Oh, and I didn't put my new stuff up.... again. LOL
My husband has taken pity on me and hauled the twins off to a car club thing. I've never officially been to one of those car meetings but I imagine it's sorta boring for Abs and Noah's climbing over everyone's vehicles. BUT... I do know that it means SILENCE for me. ;)
I made a new school kit...naturally. I haven't had time to really scrap their first day but I do plan on getting around to it. I managed to do one of Noders with his wrestling backpack.
Here's First Day
Here's my layout...he's nuts.
Here's some CT eyecandy.
I also have some doodly frames up.
They're so messy and scratchy but still fancy ya know. hehe
I have to get some scrapping finished... I want to try to do all the Challenges every month at Mscraps. I believe I've managed 2 a month so far! Pretty sad. I spend more time editing my photos lately than I do scrapbooking them. I'm seriously obsessed with actions. I bought a bunch from M4Hens and I'm going to snag them from Florabella too. I must run each pic through 4 or 5 before settling on one or two looks to print. My husband thinks I'm nuts. With each new photo I imagine how it's going to look with Little Rainbow slapped on it. LOL
I also think that when you aren't the best photographer these little things SAVE you. Where would I be if I were still rocking the disposables and dropping them at Wal-Greens without editing. SCARY. I'm sure you have your own saves but this is one of my faves of Noder.
Before.. or SOOC (<-- hehe photog words)
He looks sorta hot and sweaty...and um, yes..we were on top of a railroad station and you could CLEARLY see the next building. LOL Breadsticks anyone? ;)
Ok, and here's the "fixed" pic.
I realize that his hands are sawed off...but really, who notices that except a REAL photographer? Exactly. Love that pic. AND can I ramble or WHAT?!
I'm not getting anything accomplished. I have a HUGE idea that I have to get on. It's going to take me a few days of doodling but hopefully it'll be worth it!!! ;)
Here's a little sale info... if you have anything in your wishlist at MScraps now is the time to snag em!!!
And if you spend $10 you get our collab for FREE!
Hope to see ya over there! :)
Good night ladies... enjoy your Saturday night. GEAUX TIGERS!!! *ROAR*